Tuesday 23 April 2013

Cropton Score 3h Event, NY Moors Weekend

Lovely weekend just gone. 100 miles on the bike on Saturday followed by attempting the 3hour Cropton Forest Score event but on foot. Teresa, Dave, Sheila and Dennis did it officially on Saturday (whilst I was being nobby no mates on my bike), so as Newton upon Rawcliffe was right in the bottom corner of the map, I thought I'd give it a crack. I got 315 point and was 5 minutes late, so 310 points. Most importantly - legs felt good ! Well done to Teresa who was the highest scoring woman with 385, thereby also whooping my ass. All organised by the very nice guys at NYMBO.
Sunday's 3h Score Event (MTB or foot - take your choice !)

Saturday's beautiful Moors and Teeside 100 miler


John said...

Re the NYMBO event - do many people do these on foot? Am interested as I enjoy orienteering but don't have and don't plan to get a mountain bike.

Alan Billington said...

Hi John, in a word - NO! I've done one years ago but only as I'd noticed a crack in my frame just before the event. I did this from Teresa's map on my own the next day. I'd ask em - I think it's a more flexible option. Interestingly, "Organic Adventure" or similar do events where you can just turn up and do either bike or run. Sounds perfect !!!