Tuesday 5 June 2012

Bamford Fell Race 8:32/mile 1000ft

10th out of 135. Happy !

Great race yesterday on a course I thought I knew!
Last year, Teresa entered as her first ever fell race - she did quite well and me and Lewis supported. Lewis and me walked up the descent path last year and I thought this was the ascent path too - oh no!

It actually turned out to start for the first 2 miles or so along a dead flat disused railway - I could have been in one of the clubs road races for alll I knew!

It was bad - I hate flat stuff and really felt like I was chugging. The climb up Parkin Clough soon came round though and almost immediately I started passing guys. Think I took 3 up here. It then 'levelled out' a bit (only in fell running terms would the next section be classed as level!) and thought I'd better sit behind Gavin Williams for a bit as I knew he is strong. After 30 secs, this was out the window and I made a break for the summit making about 20m on Gavin. He soon took me within about 400m of the summit and pulled away gradually. Again, I physically could not have moved even the slightest bit faster for any step of that descent. I don't know how those top guys do it !!!

I was very pleased to not be overtaken again on the descent. I'm getting used to at least a few coming past me on descents!

Hitting the disused railway again and I actually felt alive with legs working well. I probably wasn't, but I really felt like I was moving twice as fast as at the start of the race - the climb / descent actually waking my legs up. Nevertheless, I didn't look over my shoulder and powered to the finish feeling very very good.  A big cheer went up from the big crowd on the sheepdog trials day and I crossed the line in 10th which I was very pleased with.

I really couldn't have ran one second faster I don't think.. Like the last fell race on Totley Moor, there was not one moment where I wasn't red-lining it.
Spot where the railway track finishes then starts again ?!?

Pleased with my legs on only my second fell race in years.

Results are here


Damon Rodwell said...

I ran 6th in the same race in 34 minutes-odd. Echo your comments about the flat sections. Fastest I've had to run in years, and my calves and hamstrings are in serious revolt. Nice wee event, though. My first race of any kind this year, and it's inspired me to enter the 38-mile ultra trail race run in conjunction with the Jedburgh Half Marathon in October.

Alan Billington said...

Good running Damon. That 38miler sounds good - you'll smash it if you're running at that speed now then.