Wednesday 21 September 2011

Apprehension and Excitement : 3 Peaks Cyclo Cross

Well, this Sunday's rest is going to be amazing - be it good or bad.
It's the reason I bought a Cyclo Cross bike 9 months ago. After going to spectate last year, there was that feeling of - "oh my god, just look at what these guys are riding over, hats off to them".

If you watch the whole of the video below, watch out for the most epic climb and descent in any bike race - probably in the world, as it's only in GB that something so silly can happen. We were gob-smacked last year how half of Yorkshire seemed to head out on to the mountains to spectate. It's just a massive event with it always being over-subscribed nowadays. There's still 700 on the entry list who got in.

The climb is up Simons' Fell at about 1:20. Pretty scary!
The descent is about 3:45 which I am very wary about !

It's not just the terrain, it's the fact that effectively you're doing it on a modified road bike.
After last weekends' "taster" using my cross for an easier MTB-O event, I can now say rocky descents are nightmarish. Brakes don't stop you and your eyes pop out their sockets with the jarring from the track.

No flat handlebars this year. No Rob Jebb this year. But they've got me !

Taking the Van up to Stainforth Sat pm and Lewis is coming along.
I can't wait - any bets on the number of punctures I'm gonna get ?!?!?
Hoping for 4 hours, but will probably be slower. Just gonna aim to enjoy it.

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