Wednesday 15 June 2016

Castleton Fell Race, 39/231

Castleton is a race I've not done for about 12-15 years. I have tended to avoid it due to the large amount of flagstone running along the ridge but this year it fitted in well. I'd not really done much since getting back from Scotland (boycotted the BDL Race on Tuesday due to feeling under the weather) so this was a good a way as any to get on the race ladder in time for Edale on Sunday. Brucey bonus was that Lewis could do the kids race!
Castleton Fell Race Route 

We both really enjoyed it (only 8 in Lewis's race due to appalling weather all day) and I seemed to run well, never really maxing out and staying pretty comfortable. Imminent cramps on the last tarmac run in stopped me closing down the guys in front sadly.

39/231 so top 17% - lower than normal and I thought I ran well. Maybe I didn't!!
Results here in 52:28
Strava here

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